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About Us

We are Grand Touring Specialists

Founded on integrity, honesty, and a true passion for automobiles.

Based out of the greater Atlanta area, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus mattis elit et justo pretium, in condimentum tellus sollicitudin.

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porsche 1500
Years in auto industry
Concours Judged
10 +
States Visited
Hotel Stays
0 +

The Professional Appraisal Difference


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Frequently Asked Questions

Even one-of-a-kind cars are similar to other vehicles built at the same point in history. Examples include early vehicles built by automotive pioneers, “one-offs” built by inventors and/or speculators as well as highly customized cars, hot rods, art cars, and tuner cars. The appraisal process provides for a comparison of cars that have similar markets and characteristics.

When you are searching these guides, you will find there are many differences of opinion in the valuation of many vehicles. Only by obtaining a professional valuation will you be able to have a third party accurately view, describe, and value your vehicle for the purpose intended.

Grand Touring Specialists, LLC will build and maintain a file on every car appraised. While an appraisal can be done without it, copies of all recent repairs or restoration, receipts, and service history are all important in determining an opinion of value. These files are records for valuation; the more complete the better. Copies of photographs, registration documents, and ownership history when available are appreciated.

The first place many appraisers look might be in one of several valuation guides. Simply look up your car’s make, model, and year and you will find an estimate of your car’s value. Please keep in mind that appraisal guides are without context…they cannot tell information that is not given to them. Guides are just that: guidebooks to finding an estimate of the value of your vehicle. This is only a part of the information the professional appraiser uses when estimating the value of any personal property.

We’d love to answer it for you. Inquire here.

Erich Smith Concours Judge

Erich Smith

Grand Touring Specialists

Who Are We?

Driven by Legacy: Erich's Journey from Motorsports to Masterclass

Erich has over 30 years of experience in the automotive industry and comes from a long line of car guys. His grandfather was the Co-Founder of the 12 Hours of Sebring. He practically grew up in the world of Highline European dealerships and around Motorsports.

He cut his teeth in the business with 15 years working for a family-owned dealership in various positions for excess of 15 years, culminating as a Master Sales Guide for Land Rover. Next was as the Sales Manager for a company that specialized in the sales, service, and restoration of old Land Rovers. The next opportunity came in the way of a contractor representing Maserati in the product launches of two of their new car launches.

For the last decade-plus, he has been the owner of Grand Touring Specialists, LLC. A company he founded to assist collectors in the acquisition, curating, and marketing of classic and antique car collections. Becoming an appraiser was a logical step. He is an active contributor to the Hagerty Price Guide and also conducts inspections in the U.S. on behalf of the Jaguar Land Rover Classics Department in the UK for Jaguars and Land Rovers being re-acquired for their in-house Restorations. He is a member of the American Society of Appraisers in the Automotive Specialties field.

Erich has judged many events: Chattanooga Motoring Festival, Lake Mirror Classic, Sandhill Motoring Festival, Radnor Hunt, Audrain Concours, Winter Park Concours, and Motorcar Cavalcade to name a few. His biggest contribution in this field is his work with the former Boca Raton Concours D’Elegance as one of the car selections committee and field operations director. 

The car is the closest thing we will ever create to something that is alive.
-Sir William Lyons

Memberships & Organizations

Classic Car Club of American

Dedicated to the collection, preservation, and enjoyment of the world's finest automobiles

Society of Automotive Historians

Preserving automotive history since 1969

American Society of Appraisers

Candidate Member - Personal Property - Automotive Specialties

Automobile Racing Club of Florida

Preserving Sebring Race History

Don't Guess - Get a Professional Appraisal